The Italian pilot project continues!

6 April 2020

The Italian pilot project continues!

The girls and boys who are participating in the training courses of the pilot project in Rome do not stand still despite the COVID-19 emergency. Let’s see in detail how the activities have been reorganized:


Second Level Professional Orientation and Coaching Programs

The beneficiaries of the personalized intervention plans for business start-up and job placement have already started to participate in the first online coaching meetings during which they discussed job search issues through strategies and approaches and, how to approach the job interview, deepening the techniques and strategies for an effective interview. The first group activities carried out have met with great participation and enthusiasm, the participants of the Internship group held their first meeting on Wednesday, March 25th, while the group of the self-entrepreneurial path started the meetings on March 27th and April 3rd. In the next days, further group coaching activities are planned for both paths.


Pre-professionalizing measures

It will also be possible to follow the Haccp remote lessons in order to acquire the necessary certificate for the job placement.

In the coming weeks will also be organized the last course of Safety at Work preparatory to the inclusion of beneficiaries in the training on the job.


Design and implementation of personalized work programs to promote the integration of beneficiaries in the labor market.

The individual interviews preparatory to the insertion in the on-the-job training course will also continue remotely in order to better plan the professionalizing modules of the reference sectors, identify the professional profile and host companies.

At the moment it is not possible to define the activation times of the internships but we will keep you updated!


Development of a workshop on self-entrepreneurship

The lessons organized by Confcooperative will take place online, following the educational program initially planned for the self-enterprise workshops, Cies Onlus will instead provide specific educational modules called “Pills for self-enterprise”, which will strengthen the skills of the beneficiaries on the theme of business start-up.

For the remote lessons, a three-week program has been temporarily planned, which will be restructured according to the evolution of the restrictions.


Development of professional learning paths of the Italian language

The activity, also in online mode, will be carried out by Cies Onlus with some hours of co-teaching with experts of the Cnos-Fap sector of the catering and electronic/mechanical sector.

In the following weeks will be programmed, the didactic modules of L2 professionalizing for the electronic/mechanical sector and for the self-enterprise path.

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